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Symptoms and Risks of Varicose Veins

The development of varicose veins is gradual and progressive. Varicose vein symptoms do not correlate well either with the size or extent of visible varices. Venous symptoms may be so insidious that, after treatment, patients are surprised to realize how much chronic discomfort they had accepted as "normal".

They are unsightly, cause cosmetic concern and even may be embarrassing. Many people do not wear shorts or do not go to the beach because of the appearance of their veins.
Leg fatigue.
Dull aching pain.
Throbbing pain.
Burning sensation.
Restless legs, Restless leg syndrome.
Night cramps.
Leg and ankle swelling.

These symptoms are worse after standing or sitting for a long time and at the end of the day.
These symptoms worsen with prolonged standing or sitting and often improved with walking or elevating the legs. Heat tends to aggravate the symptoms, and cold tends to relieve them. Pain may worsen with the menstrual cycle, with pregnancy and in response to exogenous hormonal therapy such as birth control pills.

Risks of varicose veins

Varicose veins never get better if untreated. It will only stay the same or get worse. Over time, most people with chronic venous insufficiency may develop some degree of venous stasis, chronic skin and soft tissue changes. Typically, these are manifestations of prolonged, untreated venous insufficiency. These signs include:

Rarely malignant degeneration.
Edema (swelling) or puffiness around the ankles is an early sign.
Hyperpigmentation, brownish dark pigmentation mostly around the ankle and lower leg.
Dermatitis, eczema & itching.
Chronic recurrent cellulitis, infection of the leg.
Thrombophlebitis of the varicosities.
Lipodrmatosclerosis: Venous hypertension, recurrent infection, fat necrosis under the skin and impaired lymph drainage lead to profound changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The skin is thickened, stiff, red, and shiny.
Atrophy Blanch: porcelain- white scars seen on the legs. It is a stage seen between dermatitis and ulceration.